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Grant Bannatyne Grant Bannatyne

Grant Bannatyne



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I try to approach each new design challenge with an open mind, unencumbered by any preconceptions and without prejudging any outcomes. To create great design solutions, firstly we need to ask the right questions. We have to open our ears and minds in order to gain a deep understanding of a site and all of its opportunities and constraints, together with the client and building users’ requirements. Appreciating these factors and integrating the expertise of a broad team of design collaborators help to inform a creatively driven and legible design solution that strives to reach the highest architectural and environmental standards.

Registered Architect (NZ); BArch (Hons)
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I bring a unique design eye to my projects and have a broad range of experience in local and international mixed-use schemes. This has led to the design of a number of notable buildings across a variety of scales and typologies.


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Travel is a great passion of mine, and I’ve enjoyed seeing many landscapes, cities, and buildings around the globe. Living abroad and seeing the world has helped me to appreciate how other societies have done things, which gives me a lot to draw on in my professional life.

Pure, clean lines of the Sydney Opera House
Nature intertwined with architecture - Paul Klee Centre, Switzerland
Opening the mind with travel – this was a picture taken during my time in Southern Namibia